ECSU Step Show After Party

ECSU Step Show After Party

If you missed Williams Hall Gymnasium on September 29th, you missed an unforgettable night at the White Lie Step Show After Party! Hosted by 3o7pm, DH Studios, and Friends, this inaugural step show afterparty was a roaring success.

College students from all corners embraced the dress code—donning white tees with creative lies—and turned the gymnasium into a visual spectacle. DJ_llani and DJ_3o7 set the night on fire from 10 PM to 1 AM, ensuring an electrifying atmosphere.

With over 500 attendees, the party was a blend of music, creativity, and exciting giveaways. The 2023 ECSU Homecoming Committee gave their nod of approval, and organizers promise more thrilling events in the future. Stay tuned for the next gathering—it's bound to be just as unforgettable!

Catch glimpses of the night on social media and keep the party vibes alive with 3o7pm, DH Studios, and Friends. The White Lie Step Show After Party may be in the past, but the memories are here to stay.

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Here are some moments captured at the White Lies Party
